about us
Our ministry strives to reflect the love of God to those who are vulnerable, hopeless, and desperate to be heard.
With nearly 20 people per minute (10 million women and men in one year) physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States, we have become a nation overcome with domestic violence and the effects of this evil in our society.
Too often, those within the church have been uniformed about the victims and the complexities of domestic violence. This has increasingly had a damaging effect on individuals, families, and our faith communities. As Christians, we are called to care for those that are vulnerable, hopeless, and desperate to be heard when it comes to domestic violence.
The Ladies of Vision Ministry (LOV) formed in August of 2012 to bring awareness to this evil after a series of domestic violence cases occurred affecting members of two churches within the community of Roanoke, VA during 2009 - 2011. As cases continued to be reported in Roanoke and the surrounding areas, a group of women from area churches felt the need to come together with the hope to affect change and to bring awareness within the church and our communities. The founding board members are Sister Dar Alexander of Chestnut Grove Baptist, Sister Brenda Taylor of High Street Baptist, Reverend Nina Stone of Hill Street Baptist(departed), Evangelist Shirley Gregory of Jerusalem Baptist (departed), Sister Blair Barnes and Sister Annette Lewis both of Morning Star Baptist, and Sister Sharon London of Spirit of Unity Baptist. Board Members that have joined the (LOV) ministry since 2012 are Sister Christine Poindexter of High Street Baptist, Sister Regina Gregory of Jerusalem Baptist, Sister Debra Bright of Maple Street Baptist, Pastor Amy Hodge of Mt. Zion AME Church, Sister Denise Dowell of Shiloh Baptist, and Sister Rachel Harper of Spirit of Unity Baptist.
The first annual domestic violence conference entitled, The New Me, No More Scars was held on April 6, 2013. LOV has hosted seven annual conferences with engaging speakers willing to share their impactful personal stories of God's deliverance from the hands of their abusers. Since 2020, LOV has been unable to host our annual conferences because of statewide shutdowns due to the COVID -19 virus.
The Ladies of Vision Ministry is a 501-C3 faith based, non-denominational ministry focused on taking a stand against domestic violence. By partnering with churches in our communities, we can raise awareness concerning domestic violence. By advocating for agencies that provide needed services to victims, we bring the community and agencies together, by way of the annual conferences.
It is our hope that with educating and informing churches about domestic violence, we can help our communities to become safer and those that have been impacted by domestic violence can run towards the church for refuge and healing. Jesus came to set the captives free!
Source Data: NCADV website